A couple of posts ago, I showed a video about how to make a better use of AutoCAD and Revit together for conceptual design.
I would like to show a more detailed example, which started from AutoCAD's hero image. I made the design, model and first renders in AutoCAD, and the final renders were done with 3ds Max. Some weeks ago, a good friend and colleague Application Engineer Juan Carlos Alfonso, asked me if he could use the building for an integrated demo for some presentations in Latin America. Not only I agreed immediately, but I also felt tempted to make a proof of concept, by going back to the preliminary conceptual stage in AutoCAD, and take it into Revit for the development of the project (as opposed to doing it all in AutoCAD, which we know is absolutely feasible).
This is an introduction to the work, which I will present in following posts, with videos and screen captures, and best practices along the way.
You may have already seen this model in AutoCAD. The whole idea was to see how easy would it be to take this information into Revit.
After some imports (which will be explained in following posts), this was the result.
I also developed the design for one of the floors, and added two models that Juan Carlos gave me in adsk format (more about this later), which were generated in Inventor. Basically the elevator you can see in the floor plan and the printer that appears in the camera view were imported from Inventor.
Stay tuned!